Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Other Day

I saw you again the other day.
After so many years gone by, it seemed comprehensible that I would forget you...
You sat right across me,
on the train that wheezed by untold destinations we would never speak of.
You stared and I stared back.
No recognition.

You had the same contours...
your eyes, old and tired.
You lips, dry and set.
Your hair, dark and gray.
Not a day older than the last time I saw you...
not a day older, in my mind...
and yet, here you are frail and worn.
The years have gone by.

I searched and searched into your face,
taking the painstaking stranger glances,
fearful you would bark me off as a stalker,
and yet, hopeful you would recognize me.

It was too much to hope for.
The years have gone by.

It seemed comprehensible that I would forget you...
You sat right across me,
on the train that wheezed by untold destinations we would never speak of.
You stared and I stared back.
Not an atom of recognition.


  1. Such disappointment..
    I enjoyed reading..

  2. Wow. Makes me think of how time passes by. Did this really happen? 

  3. Sounds melancholy, yet I like it :)....
