Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tumultuous or Triumphant Thursdays I

Tumultuous  Triumphant Thursdays I

The Baltimore downpour - tumultuous and heavy explains this perfect thursday on the outside. Underneath however, we all know that He gives us triumphant victory... we just need to burst open the hardened covering of turmoil to show the triumph He has given.

Enjoy the rain and a song of questions!


  1. Gosh....Wasnt happy abt the downpour at all..not when i had to eh it better not rain tomorrow...

    Thanks for sharing the video....(i ask myself those questions everyday)

  2. ahhh u r out of luck ooo... its supposed to be raining till tomorrow :( Glad u like the video :D

  3. That is a lovely and uplifting video, loved it.

  4. @Myne: Yuh, I love the song too. You should check out their band - Tenth Avenue North - beautiful songs :D
